Some highlights of the course for me were the making of our personal blogs (that was an adventure in the formatting and playing around with all the tools), using twitter in a university class (!), grasping how to make poster presentations on powerpoint, the world of pecha kucha presentations, the do's and dont's in public speaking, and all the opportunities for mistakes in email etiquette.
At times it seemed odd to be learning all of this, because some of it seemed like common sense, but when I actually considered how this could be applied to what my future career is it made a lot of sense to learn these useful skills. The main skills that I will use out of this class for my future job endeavors will most likely be the public speaking and presentation techniques. I will, hopefully, become a teacher with my human ecology combined with education degree and need to understand proper techniques to keep a crowd interested. I will be working with adolescence's, who will obviously not have a massive attention span, or most likely care what I have to say about health education or fashion studies, so interesting presentations will be key in my success. Besides the major emphasis on the presentation techniques I will still use other skills on a daily basis, such as communicating via email with other teachers, parents, and fellow colleagues, along with the use of blogs and social media to actually form lesson plans (especially if I teach any home economics or cooking classes; food blogs!).
At the end of it all this class has definitely expanded my knowledge with online communication, person-person communication, and social media. Im out for now, have a good summer!
(Powers, Paige; Versailles, France; 2011.)
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